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Provides store information, contacts and options for a store id.

Depending on the access permission some information are not provided.

Path Parameters
  • storeId string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression \d+



  • id Unique identifier of the store in database.
  • name Name of the store.
  • region object

  • id Unique identifier of region.
  • name Name of the region.
  • location object

  • lat float
  • lon float
  • address object

  • street String with street and street number.

    Possible values: <= 120 characters

  • city String with city name.

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

  • zipCode String with zip code of store.

    Possible values: <= 5 characters

  • publicInfo Public information about the store which is visible for users which are looking for a store.
  • publicTime object

  • integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

  • category object

  • id Unique identifier of entry.
  • chain object

    Only set if store is related to a store chain.


  • id Identifier of the store chain.
  • information Public information about the chain.
  • cooperationStatus object

  • integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]

  • cooperationStart date-time
  • description String which describes the store.

    Only visible to store team members

  • contact object

    Only visible to store managers or organaisators


  • name String with name of contact person for store.
  • phone String with phone number of contact person for store.

    // Check phone number format?

  • fax String with fax number of contact person for store.

    // Check phone number format?

  • email String with e-mail of contact person for store.

    // Check email? format

  • calendarInterval Duration in seconds before user can register to a pickup slot before pickup.
    • 0 : not set
    • 604800: 1 Week
    • 1209600: 2 Weeks
    • 1814400: 3 Weeks
    • 2419200: 4 Weeks
  • weight Enum which category of weight per pickup.
    • 0: UNCLEAR
    • 1: 1-3 kg
    • 2: 3-5 kg
    • 3: 5-10 kg
    • 4: 10-20 kg
    • 5: 20-30 kg
    • 6: 40-50 kg
    • 7: more then 50 kg
  • effort object

    Only visible to store managers or organaisators


  • integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

  • publicity Boolean which represents that store allow using for foodsharing publicity.

    Only visible to store team members

  • showsSticker Boolean which mark store that they shows foodsharing sticker on the store.

    Only visible to store managers or organaisators

  • groceries integer[]

    Only visible to store managers or organaisators

  • teamStatus object

  • integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

  • options object

    Only visible to store team members


  • useRegionPickupRule Boolean which represents usage of the region for pickup slot allocation rule.
  • createdAt date-time
  • updatedAt date-time

    Only visible to store managers or organaisators
