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Version: Current

Update dependencies


Every Sunday a schedules pipeline "send outdated dependency report to slack" is started and the result can be read in the channel #fs-outdated.

Structure and explanation of version numbers

  • 0.x.x is a beta version. Here every change can contain ``Breaking Changes''.

│ │ │
│ │ └───────── Patch (contains mostly bug fixes)
│ └─────────── Minor version (mostly functional extension)
└───────────── Major version (mostly significant change)


  • Don't mix dev dependencies with dependencies in a commit
  • ~ instead of ^ to have similar systems between server and dev computer and to avoid big unwanted changes during yarn update
  • only run yarn update if there are only outdated packages with explicit version information
  • If you don't know what belongs together, then update only one package per commit.
  • Major updates are best done in your own MR with changelog entry.

Manually check the version

./scripts/docker-compose run --rm client sh
yarn outdated

Manually check for security vulnerabilities

./scripts/docker-compose run --rm client sh
yarn audit

Update client

Change the version number in client/package.json

./scripts/docker-compose run --rm client sh

Update chat

Change the version number in chat/package.json

./scripts/docker-compose run --rm chat sh

Update deployer

Change the version number in deployer/package.json

  • ./scripts/composer update -d deployer

Tests after every single update

  • ./scripts/lint for javascript and php